Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jay-Z my Jigga

Just got these two paintings of Jay-Z done this morning, it took me 7 hours to do. I thought I'd get back into doing what I love again and that is to do portraits and more importantly portraits of hip-hop artists. I started out doing these way back in 1998 when I was working at Tower Records where I was surrounded by music and cd covers. I studied, practiced ad experimented a lot on illustrating and painting faces. So here I am again doing something that I'm a 100% comfortable with. They'll be more of these to come. Also I'll be going to the Magic trade show in Vegas and will bring a print of these a long just in case I meet the big man himself, wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. you are officially insane. those are fucking crazy...nice work my man.
